Parkview Panthers
Putting our Best Paw Forward
101 Birch Ave. Westville NJ, 08093
- (856) 456-0235
- Fax: (856) 456-5974
Office Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm
Emergency Closing Number: 832

Dr. Shannon M. Whalen, Superintendent
Mr. Brian Dericks, Principal
Our commitment is to educate each child using a flexible and challenging curriculum, aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, which emphasizes a commitment to expand oral and written communication skills, integrate problem-solving strategies throughout the learning process, and effectively use technology for the advancement of student discovery and study.
We actively seek to promote a strong and positive bond between the school and community using the resources of each to provide opportunities for students to demonstrate good citizenship and acquire a life long sense of personal worth, dignity, and respect
for others.